MalaBimba – MalaBimba (LP)


17.90   (LP)

When the mainstream audience of 70’s cinema was going with Luke Skywalker to a Star War or Bud Spencer & Terence Hill were beating themselves in the Wild West another progression was happening in the italian outback. Directors like Lucio Fulci or Ruggero Deodato developed „kaput pictures for a kaput world“ with films like „Cannibal Holocaust“ or „Paura nella città dei morti viventi“ (City of the living dead). A new form of dark trash aesthetic was reached and with those films especially the Italians conquered the grindhouse cinemas all over the world.
To these movies prolific composers like Riz Ortolani or Goblin created atmospheric and bizarre Scores.

Most of the filmcritics back then hated these movies and left them all alone – but over the years an enthusiastic scene devoted to these underground cinema could develop and out of this a new wave of fantastic directors like Quentin Tarantino, Jörg Buttgereit, Rob Zombie or Eli Roth emerged and celebrated their own success heavily influenced by the masters of exploitation cinema.

MALABIMBA remember musically on this golden age of cinematic underground. Their self titled first full length Album is to understand as a hommage to composers like Riz Ortolani, Franco Micalizzi, Goblin or Stelvio Cipriani and let Zombies, bad Cops, busty Blondes, mad Scientists and black gloved Killers come back again into your mind’s eye.

Malabimba create memorable, cinematic mood music

Inspired by the classic cinematic composers of 1970s Italy, the Austrian duo known as Malabimba achieve quite an evocative first effort here on their self-titled debut for Cineploit Records, a moving and memorable sonic excursion which drives home some severely shakin’ sonic ruckus.

To be fair, there is also a hefty share of 1960s bossa nova groove and 80s synth magic present within Malabimba’s organic, funky grooves, embracing the Italian soundtrack aesthetic with glee ‘n glorious aplomb. Utilizing a handmade aesthetic in their approach, Malabimba make it a point to create all of their groovy sounds the old fashioned way, ensuring that the brilliantly warm, analog production does them the best possible sonic favors.

As a result, the bass, guitar and organ tones are fleshed out to the max, setting up plenty of moods throughout the album’s eighteen tracks, from rugged and aggressive vibes—perfect for a hard boiled Italian crime thriller or poliziotteschi—to the smooth, swinging sexiness of “La Svolta” or “Diventare Adulto,” which wouldn’t sound out of place on one of Stelvio Cipriani’s erotic film scores.

Malabimba aims to please, regardless of the mood, setting up a fitting audio accompaniment each and every time. Right from the get go, it becomes clear that this musical duo is more than just the sum of their inspired parts, but rather songsmiths who take said influence and run with it, in the process creating their own weird, wild and wonderful world of memorable mood music.

  • First full length by Cinema Italiano enthusiasts MALABIMBA
  • Cinematic music arranged and produced like in the 70’s
  • Complete analog recording on tape machines and on real instruments
  • Sounds like the soundtrack to an imaginary Polizieschi or Giallo movie
  • Produced in the Studio Klangschmiede Norikum
  • Europloitation music for the modern age in it’s present state!
  • For fans of Franco Micalizzi, Riz Ortolani, Stelvio Cipriani, Fabio Frizzi or Goblin

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